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23 year old Quinn Wood, better known as 2Day is stretching his wings over the city of Toronto and taking flight. 

2Day's style is rap, pop and the perfect amount of r&b, but it's his lyrics that are resonating as memorably as his voice. He's a writer and one with the ability to intertwine the relatable with the inspirational while keeping an edge sharpened by years of societal neglect and hard times. 


Vice-Chair of the Native Youth Advisory Council, 2Day is refusing to leave his community behind as he ascends out of Toronto's underbelly and into the spotlight. Growing up in low-income housing and rising above alcoholism has kept his struggle the focus of his drive. A factor in the ever-mounting pressure to succeed and beat the odds placed on him. 


In the studio or on the street without effects, without a beat, without fear 2Day's vocals outshine the competition. 2020's "Heartless" is the best introduction to 2Day as it is his best lyrical display yet while also demonstrating his ability to collaborate. T Clarke (Tyrelle Clarke) enters at the 1:47 mark and instantly adds the perfect offset to 2Day's flow. The musical chemistry between the two balances the track and broadens its appeal to the mainstream as well as the established fan base.


I was recently introduced to 2Day and was able to ask him about his life and music.


Why did you switch from Fin to 2Day? 

Well, Fin was my nickname growing up. 

But when I started working with this guy Cole he let me know that Fin was taken. 

Looking into other names I was stuck on finding something meaningful to represent me. 

When I decided to get clean there was a book I read in the sobriety program called "Just For Today" that helped me find a task to do every day to better myself. I just thought about 2Day then checked it out on Spotify and took it before someone else did.


If Canada's 45 billionaires were reading this interview, how would you describe growing up in low-income housing to them? How did it sculpt you as a person?

I wouldn't have changed anything about my life. It made me who I am.

I feel if I were handed things growing up like a billionaire, I don't think I'd be grateful for the things that I have. 


Who are the top three artists you want to collaborate with most?

The Weekend, Saint Jhn and Ed Sheeran.


You've been sober for a year and a half. As you become more successful are you worried about losing control and falling back into alcoholism?

I think about that a lot. What would happen if I blow up and start getting all that money? I learned that I don't need alcohol. That I can't have it.

Within the year and a half of sobriety, I went from having nothing to being on the radio, I have a place with my girl and so much stuff has gotten better. But I know it can all be taken away and I wouldn't allow myself to fall back into that cycle.


When did you write your first song? 

I used to be really into Eminem and started out writing verses that would sound like a shitty version of his rap. 

I would say the first real song that I wrote was when I was 15 or 16. I remember going to the studio with some older guys and putting some real songs together.


When did you know you would make music your career?

To be honest, I always wanted it you know. Growing up, all the kids would talk about how I had a knack for writing and asked me to help them write. I was always gearing up for it but when I came home from treatment is when I started taking it really seriously. 


What was your last regular job?

Roofing. It wasn't too fun.


You play guitar, did you ever play in a band?

No. I just like to put a few chords together sometimes and write a little song but I'm not a very experienced guitar player. When I was young my uncles were all classic rock guys and I was really into Guns N' Roses and wanted to be like Slash. But singing is my passion. I was always into singing and rap.


In "Heartless" you sing "try to teach these kids so they don't make the same mistakes as me" is this a reference to the mentor-ship you provide with the Native Youth Advisory Council?

I used to have a youth worker, he's standing 30 feet away from me right now. He was on "Heartless," T Clarke. He saw me going through troubles and gave me support, let me come to the studio with him. So as I turned my life around I feel the need to help those who were in my shoes. I know I could help the kids because I have the experience. I want to see kids do better in my community. 


If you could say one thing to our Prime Minister on behalf of the Native Youth Advisory Council (NYAC) what would it be?

I think I would want more awareness to be put on native youth programming. It would be nice to get the word out to the youth themselves that these programs exist. I guess I would just ask to help get the message out.


You sing in subways, on Air Canada flights and in the street. What has been your favourite place to spontaneously sing? 

The Air Canada one was something else. One guy clapped while everyone else on the plane just gave me a dirty look. There was complete silence after I sang so I just sat down embarrassed. But after I got off the plane I posted the video anyway and an hour later it was on 6IXBUZZTV, I had to call my girl it was just crazy. I'm glad I did it. 


Do you prefer creating music or performing it?

I love the creation process. I love being in the studio. But there is also a feeling you get on stage. You just feel fully into the music, but I love the creation process.


You seem proud of the city you're from. What is it about Toronto that you love the most?

I feel like the city has so much inspiration and nostalgia. I go to an area in east York to see a place I use to get drunk and even though it's a dark memory I still get a feeling of home. I just love my city and I feel like it's the greatest city in the world.


We all find inspiration in different places but to find it in adversity, within what holds the rest of us back and then use it as fuel to create is truly special. 

There is an honesty to the music of 2Day that is refreshing and energizing. A truth in a time of lies that we can rely on and embrace. 

A sound more engaging and powerful as it evolves and grows, with a message of unification that's more relevant now than ever.

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